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The things we take for granted! I don't have any insight about these particular packages, but regarding eggs, it's also interesting that Americans these days invariably think of eggs as a refrigerated product. Their eyes widen with incredulity when I mention that in a half-dozen countries on three continents where I have lived, including Germany, eggs are sold unrefrigerated, not just in farm markets, but in supermarkets too.

H. Mark Delman

I checked on this and its mandatory that eggs be refrigerated in the US. Its because of a health scare that occurred in the 1980s. While eggs can stay unrefrigerated for a few weeks, their quality does decline.


I admit I hadn't considered it could be a legally imposed requirement. It figures. We are a litigious society.

Certainly eggs will deteriorate over time, though it's generally only in the U.S. that the distribution chain is so long that they might be "a few weeks" from the chicken when we buy them.

Ground Covers

Its amazing to see the classic thing of wrapping eggs in a package.. I thought they are using a newspaper rather than a carton in the past. :D

H. Mark Delman

They probably did that too! Thanks for your comment.

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