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« Ten Interesting New Vegetable Varieties for 2012 | Main | Hardiness Zones Systems & Plant Selection »



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Very good! Gardening science : ) I am off to find the Calypso bean.

H. Mark Delman

They are also called Yin Yang. You can get them from High Mowing Seed, Seed Savers and a company that Ive not purchased from before, Purcell Mountain Farm. Good luck and let me know if you find anything you are particularly fond of.



Regarding your 2012 gardening plan, will you be growing the melons in the AutoPot system? If so, how has that worked out for you?

I am wondering whether the melons are full-sized when grown in those systems. Also, how many melons do you usually get per plant? I am assuming you plant one melon vine per pot.

H. Mark Delman

I have not tried melon in the autopot system before, so Ill let you know if it works.


Thanks Mark! Although you have not grown either Charentais or Petit Gris De Rennes melons in AutoPots, I saw a comment from your rooftop garden.

"Last year, I successfully grew tomatoes, watermelon, winter and summer squash, salad greens, pepper and other vegetables.  I was also able to grow beets in AutoPots, but I think root vegetables like beets and carrots grow better in traditional soil beds."

How were your winter squash and watermelon grown? And, we're you pleased with the results?


Hi Matt:
You're right. I did grow watermelon in an autopot. The plant survived and produced a melon of passable quality. Not sure if this was a function of using the auto pot or weather conditions. I also grew a variety of squash including Zucchino Rampicante, butternut etc and these did very very well. If you decide to grow a very big squash variety or a pumpkin, you might try getting one of the large single autopots. I'm going to test one of these this year. They are sold by


I have been unable to find seed for Longfellow flint this year. Would you consider selling me some? I will be happy to send you back more than you give me at the end of the growing season, so your seed will be newer. You can email me directly.
Thanks! Kelley

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