of the Beit Alpha Cucumber - A really great all-around cucumber.
Beit Alpha is an open pollinated, burpless, cucumber that is a winner on so many levels that it's hard to think of a better all-around variety.
Developed in Israel, Beit Alpha produces an abundance of 8-12 inch long cucumbers that have a skin so thin that it does not require peeling. That's a real time saver when preparing them for a salad or when processing them for canning.
Seeds for this variety germinate in about a week and the plant reaches maturity in 55 days.
Beit Alpha cucumbers are very sweet -- not a trace of bitterness. And they are highly versatile as well; we used them in salads, ate them sliced on their own, and made many batches of lovely pickles.
I really find it hard to find a single weakness in this variety. If you can
grow just one cucumber variety, this is the one. You can buy seeds at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
Cucumber Growing Tip - grow your cukes on a trellis. Trellising will increase the yields and also produce nicer-looking straight cucumbers.
Thanks for the information. I have never had this variety before (at least I don't think so).
Posted by: Indoor Fountains | 08/20/2010 at 08:22 AM