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That's great idea! And I won't even have to be afraid of vole!

H. Mark Delman

I hadnt thought about the avoidance of pests as another advantage of these containers, but youre right. Thanks for commenting.


Do potatoes have to be grown when it's cool, i.e. the spring? My husband the Swede, who comes from a country that has a fanatical relationship with the potato, says it would be too warm to start now. Do you think that's true, or is it just customary for people to plant them early? Swedes traditionally harvest their first potatoes for Midsommar, around June 22.

H. Mark Delman

Your hubby is right. Potatoes are a cool season crop. I planted mine right around April 1 which is our last frost date, but I could have planted them a few weeks earlier.
Potatoes take about 3 months to mature, so my guess is that it will be too hot in the Washington DC area to grow them at this point since you would be harvesting in early August.


What about sweet potatoes, they are more of a warm season crop, right?

H. Mark Delman

Hi Amy:

You are right...Sweet potatoes are tropical. They love heat. However, they are very different genetically than Irish Potatoes. Dawns husband is a Swede and I know he really wants the Irish variety. Thats why I didnt mention sweet potatoes as an alternative.

Julianne Idleman

Hi Mark,

I've got some All Blue seed potatoes saved from the last time the Dirt to Dinner crew planted them out. Let me know if you want to try to slip some in yet this year. (I pretty much grew them year round last year.) I'll be at CG this weekend.


Mark Delman

Hi Retro Jordans, what is the URL for your website about rice?


Can you grow potatos in Tampa, is very hot here year round


Two types of taters.
1 is a bottom tuber only.
The 2nd is a bottom & side of the buried stem type.
Anyone know the name.

H. Mark Delman

Hi Joel:

Please post a link to where we can see a photo. Theres no photo in the original posting.


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