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Mater Mark

Why do I get an error message, "cannot accept this data" when I tried posting a comment?

Mater Mark

Harbor Freight Tools has bolt cutters for less than 10 bucks.

I use 5ft x 10ft galvanized sheets, otherwise same gauge & 6x6 openings.

Mark Delman

Thanks for your tip on the bolt cutter. I purchased the mesh from Home Depot without shopping around very much. I like the idea of using the larger mesh sheets as it would produce a slightly wider cage.

Mark Delman

Hi. I'm not sure what the source of the error is. One of your comments did appear and I've replied to it.

peio revuelta

Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetables all over the world. They are quickly growing plants and are favorite among most amateur gardeners so as me.
I will start to grow tomatoes in my farm and now learning watever i can about them, thanks for information. I also
found another good site about tomatoes and so many other methods of agriculturing, i recommend you to take a look.

H. Mark Delman

Thanks for your comment. Good luck with your tomato garden this year.

Julianne Bonnet

Thank you for the tomato cage suggestion. I have three cages that I purchased at a nursery, all of which are in some state of disrepair. I look forward to putting your plan to use (and to putting my old cages in the junk pile).

H. Mark Delman

Ok, let me know if you have any questions. Im happy to help.


Have you tried the Japanese style tomatoe circle? It's a circle of wire mest, supported and anchored as you said, that is 3 to 6 feet across/around. The center is a dip (shallow) filled with compost and fertilizer; continue filling throughout the season with compostable stuff. The tomatoes, melons, etc., are planted around the circumference, and tied to the cage for support. Water and fertilizer, as needed, are added to the center of the cage. End of season, pull stakes, tip cage, and process compost for use.

H. Mark Delman

Hi Alice, I havent tried this technique before but it sounds similar to planting potatoes in bags where you progressively add soil to the bag and the plant sends out roots that become tubers. On first blush, this sounds reasonable enough. As with any of these techniques, the question always is whether the additional yield is worth the additional work. This is something I would be willing to test next year.

Chris Meinholz

Picked up 6 sheets of 6" x 6" opening concrete mesh from home depot at $7 a pop. This will give me enough fencing to make 3 per sheet or 18 cages for about 40 bucks after taxes.


H. Mark Delman

Hi Chris:

Thanks for your comment. Im glad the posting was able to help with the tomato cages. Good luck with your garden this year.

Kind regards,


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